Fighting Writing
Sometimes writing is calming. You sit down to the keys and just let the words fly. Other times the words won’t come. And other times you have a million other things to do BUT writing. And the keys can tantalize you, that one thin cursor on the laptop blinking at you and laughing in your face. When you’re young, homework is still very much a focus in your life. And you want to sit down and write, but you can’t. But you still have to do it.
Writers never quit.
Very true!
Thanks! 🙂
I don’t know what I’m replying to, but I liked your bit, “Fighting Writing.” As you said, “Writers never quite,” and to add to that, “Quitters never write.”
Anyway, just want to thank you for letting me know you liked, “Desperate Voyage – excerpt 2” and to let you know I will be following your blog.
Thanks again and Aloha – pjs/
Thanks Paul! Happy new year!!! 🙂