
It was the most difficult thing for me to learn. If somebody gossiped about me behind my back, yelled at me, or otherwise slighted me, I’d get angry.

As any human would.

But it just made me feel worse. I was mad at the world, mad at myself for not fighting back. Heroes fought, didn’t they? Didn’t they always win?

I learned something incredibly important a few days ago. I learned to change my approach entirely. If somebody yelled at me or did something otherwise negative, I’d forgive them.

And move on, just like that.

Because, at the end of it all, I wasn’t just forgiving them. I was forgiving myself.


  1. Sunshine on October 2, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    You are so right. That is such an important skill to learn…

    • Sophia Whitte on October 22, 2018 at 4:53 pm

      Thank you! It really is.

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