Magical Monday
Happy birthday, Disneyland. 🙂 I sat and watched the Disney tribute with my family and my dog. Suffice to say, it was a magical moment. No matter how much you try to fight against it, the waves of nostalgia will always come back to you. It’s a whole new world. And sometimes you just gotta say: who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? But still… I’m on my way, I can go the distance. (Ok that was bad, but I had to do it.)
Anyways, here’s a writing tidbit for the day: be like a Disney hero. As a writer, many obstacles will be thrown at you. Don’t just fight your dragons, punch them in the face (unless it’s a friendly dragon). But never ever give up.
-Sophia. ❤️
The “punch them in the face” part made me busy out laughing in front of my family. 😀
*bust out laughing
Wait which part was that? It sounds familiar haha
Ok that was bad, but I had to do it