Founder Brianna Franklin shared with me this amazing project about uplifting Black women and empowering them to reach a greater economic equity. I urge you to follow the organization’s IG and Twitter handles below, alongside helping donate to their campaign link on the bottom of this article.
Please signal boost this passionate project to uplift Black women during times of racial, gendered, and systemic injustice.
Help create a better future. A just one.
“IG @theprosparityproject & Twitter @prosparityproj.
From Brianna Franklin:
“Feel free to share/repost any of our previous content to promote, if more convenient. Otherwise, in terms of official statements, we’ve been using the following:
The Prosp(a)rity Project is an organization dedicated to uplifting and strengthening the Black female community. As stated in our motto, “Leading our sisters to prosperity through defeating disparity”, our aim is to equip our sisters with resources, access and education to facilitate financial, personal and professional development.
Currently, we’re pursuing this through our pilot initiative: The Prosp(a)rity Project Economic Empowerment Fund.
Launched in honor of Juneteenth, this campaign seeks to enfranchise Black women, who statistically are most adversely impacted by the $1.5 trillion student loan crisis due to carrying the highest balances yet earning the least due to the wage gap & job discrimination, by first paying off the entire student loan balance of our selected recipients, then partnering them with a financial coach who will help them develop a custom plan for money management and wealth generation.
Our goal is to raise a minimum of $500K between now and August 31st, 2020—please help us get the word out and considering donating, if able!
Our campaign link is, and our website is
Many thanks for your time & consideration!”