Hello world! So I got accused of catfishing yesterday. 🙁 That makes me sad because I’m not that sort of person and, secondly, this blog is more to talk about my writing journey and my upcoming novel than it is to promote myself. Anyways, instead of spreading some hate, try spreading some love this Thanksgiving by only posting positive comments on social media. Alright and have a wonderful day this Thanskgiving everybody! ❤️ May you all be joyful.
I had to lookup what “catfishing” was, that’s mean. Keep writing what you love, I’m interested in seeing your stories when you’re ready to share them. Remember that you will meet many critics in life, but there is only one YOU. Write who you are. Happy Thanksgiving Sophia.
Thanks Aethereal. You’re the best. 🙂
Also happy thanksgiving!
Isn’t that where you send fake pics to people to meet them and you look nothing like the pictures?
If that’s the case there are enough pics of you on here to show how beautiful you are and that person is blind. If that’s not what it is well then I’m older than I realized and need to give up social media because I can’t keep up with the jargon.
Thank you bleedingheartspoetry. You’re amazing too. Have a great holiday. 🙂
You too dear. To me it is just another day. No family that I speak to and my children are with their mom until tonight.
Well then, bleedingheartspoetry, I know this is easy for me to just say, but I hope that you find something that brings you joy today. Stories are nice to escape to once in a while. Or you could write some more wonderful poetry.
Thank you. I have joy by the truck load.. And it will be home later this evening. Keeping myself busy baby proofing the house.. My 2 year old is coming to stay with me tomorrow.
I have more joy than any one person should be allowed.. Two of those joyous things will be home tonight and the third will be here tomorrow for his first weekend visit. I’m keeping myself busy baby proofing the house.
Oops didn’t mean to post that twice.. Got interrupted and couldn’t remember if I actually sent it the first time.
It’s perfectly alright. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Hugs, N 🙂 <3