Friday Free Write
LITTLE, SINGING BLACKBIRD – by Sophia Whittemore There were birds between the stalks of corn. The wind wailed like a broken woman, howling her melancholy out for the whole world to hear. I wore a short coat that cut off at the thigh and had an umbrella swinging loosely from the belt at my…
Read MoreThree Quote Thursday
All quotes go to the individual persons who created them. Also, blessings sent to all those who need it or wish for it this Thursday. ❤️
Read MoreWord Challenge Wednesday
Describe the weather outside in one sentence: The snow covered the ground, leaving the Earth with a soft, gentle kiss- a promise of spring on a frozen horizon.
Read MoreTiny Poem Tuesday
Look at the sky and tell me No roads lie ahead. The road is clear, the sun shines, Its beams aligned and led By the hand to wonders That- still- we must discover. You and me, we can travel forth Together.
Read MoreThree Quote Thursday
Word Challenge Wednesday
Using all five senses- sight sound taste touch smell-describe your happy place. ——— I felt the sand, warm, pressing against my feet with a gentle kiss. The scent of salt and that deep, murky ocean was there, strains of seaweed beneath mountains of water gone stale. Somewhere, a child was laughing as he plunged…
Read MoreTiny Poem Tuesday
Thus far I still have prophecy I see visions in leaves of any sort I see visions now within your many faces Hand me your cup of tea And I’ll hand you the world.
Read MoreMagical Monday
You know, this weekend wasn’t half bad. Ate my favorite ice cream. Celebrated a family birthday a few days early just because we could. Spent time with loved ones. Yes. This weekend wasn’t half bad at all. And this morning started with coffee and a chocolate cream filled donut. Maybe this Monday will truly…
Read MoreA Special Sunday Story
((All creds to Willow Raven as the artist)). The City of Mecha and Raven Queens- a Short Story by Sophia Whittemore At the end of time, there were two cities, floating in the clouds. One was constructed of iron and steel, and it was called the City of Mecha, run entirely by men. The…
Read MoreFour Sentence Short Story Friday
So she walked up the stairs, crooked, peeling. And she looked at the top floor, hearing footsteps on the iron rungs.There was a man standing there, smiling, unfeeling… He didn’t look friendly.
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