Ten Things Every Coffee Lover Understands
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a writer is in want of a good cup of joe. I myself attempted to cut coffee from my life, only to later discover that coffee doesn’t give up so easily. Here are ten reasons why coffee is just so necessary.
- It warms you up in the winter
- Sometimes, if you get the right flavor, it tastes good. And who doesn’t like coffee cake?
- Did I mention caffeine yet? CAFFEINE
- In the summer, add ice cubes for a nice, refreshing drink.
- It (maybe) is a healthy way to cut down on heart disease.
- It gets your morning started
- The smell adds to the nostalgia around you. Ever walk into a coffee shop and not even buy anything just because it’s so comforting?
- Coffee keeps you company when you’re burning the midnight oil on a tough project
- It’s very photogenic. Seriously, check out Tumblr/Instagram coffee pages. You get what I’m saying.
- When you see another person clutching a cup of coffee, you exchange a glance of, “ah, I see you too appreciate the finer things in life.”
Bruh! This is so meee! And my friends and girlfriend still can’t understand my addiction to coffee ????
Coffee forever. Bruh, I tried to quit caffeine, but it didn’t happen. I love it. The warm coffee, it’s like a nice hug in the morning. 🙂