Posts Tagged ‘blogger’
You Don’t Have to Finish the Book If You Don’t Want To
Okay, so this one hurts to write. But I figured it took me a long time to figure out (and caused a lot of misery because I was proving something to absolutely no one.) Originally posted by quemystiquefacade You don’t have to finish the book if it doesn’t bring you joy. Louder for the people…
Read More10 Weird Things that Writers Google Search
Baby name sites, names meaning “(vague concept related to character development plot)” How long can somebody live without food/water? (for quests) Symptoms of the plague (for those period dramas) Rate of inflation (how much money in ye-olde-days was too much?) Stab wounds and can someone survive them if… Is “INSERT YOUR WIP TITLE” already the…
Read MoreWhat Your Music Choices Say About You as a Writer
This is closer to a writer version of an online personality quiz, but I decided to write a light-hearted post of what your music playlist means if you’re a writer. Don’t take it to heart. Or do. Whatever floats your musical boat. Let’s get… listening? Silence. Hello darkness my old friend… I’m either mysterious, or writing this…
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