Archive for August 2018
10 Signs You’re Caffeine-Addicted
1. The smell of tea/coffee brewing gets you hyped. Originally posted by chalimoe 2. Your friends talk about getting “caffeine jitters” and you’re like Originally posted by collegepsychexperiment 3. You know the caffeine content of various roasts of coffee/ types of tea/ and energy drinks. Originally posted by are-you-a-meme 4. Doesn’t it affect your sleep schedule?…
Read MoreIf Life Were REALLY A Musical
1. Waiting in line would have its own dance number Originally posted by grindhousecellar 2. Not to mention traffic Originally posted by nathalierushman00 *just another day of suuun* 3. Can you IMAGINE what office gossip would be like? Hear me out. Because everyone would sing a super epic monologue if they had some crazy revelation.…
Read MoreA Writer’s Ode to Coffee
As the clock ticks on, you’re still there with me. With you, time stands still (and my heart for a couple of beats, until I’m sure that, yes, I haven’t had enough caffeine to overdose.) And my eyes widen as I bring the mug to my lips, inhaling the scent (it’s pretty bitter. Really, coffee…
Read MoreTips for Naming Your Characters
Now, some people might have struggles picking names for OCs whether it be in fics or in WIPS you have locked away in a treasure vault somewhere. For some of you, this might be second-nature, but for writers just staring out, here are some helpful tips. Search up baby names online. Search up names by…
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